Wow! Episode 10 started a bit cruel for our Princess, because Park Hae Young appeared when Yoon Ju called him to pick her up, even though Lee Seol admitted to Yoon Ju that she wished PHY would never come, still, the Princess witnessed how Yoon Ju ran towards PHY and embraced him. Lee Seol felt betrayed once again. Although unknowingly,(to Lee Seol) it was a staged scene, where both PHY and YJ knew the real score. When they both turned to leave, Lee Seol still managed to call PHY and tried to stop him from going and leaving her. She asked 3times, yet, after hesitating a bit, PHY walked away with YJ, holding hands.
Another hanging episode for us viewers, watching the end of episode 10, when PHY knocked on Princess' door and asked her if she can be not the Princess and be his woman. A revelation at last! A true confession from a guy who started hating her and planned on sending her away. But of course, our Princess' charms were too powerful for him, and in the process, he just succumbed to his weakening heart.
Looking forward with excitement for the next instalment of this cute romantic drama. Below is a link for the last part of epsode 10
My.Princess.E10 E
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Finally I was able to write something about the ending of the drama.
6 years ago