I hope you like updates from our SG lead actor and one of my faves, Hyun Bin.:))
Video Link: Secret Garden Korean Drama FB
This movie clip is for KTV special program on June 28, 2011. This is a little bit different video than we’ve seen it two months ago. There were two new Hyun Bin’s interview clips and here are the translations.
First interview-
I knew that training itself was hard and applied for Marines Corps, but I think that it’s much harder (than expected) since I’ve been trained at Marines Corps.
Second interview-
I think that (Marines Corps) is place to challenge. I also challenge tremendous things and accomplish them here. And I think that Marines Corps is place to gain new confidence through the challenges. I always have new trainings, create new camaraderie with new people, so this place is to continue challenges.
Hyun Bin gives His thought “I overcame somehow” on KBS documentary program
C: Hyun Bin FB
An actor Hyun Bin(Real name: Kim Tae Pyung) will appear on “Education and Training Center of the Marine Corps” of KBS 2TV documentary program “Three Days” while he is in the service.
Three broadcasting companies such as KTV, KFN and KBS sponsored this documentary program and it contains boot camp training of 1137th of the Marine Corps.
“Documentary Three Days” will show the hard training of recruits for entering the Marine Corps in May, 1st.
The oldest man of 1137th recruits of the Marine Corps is Kim Tae Pyung. He gathered attentions as he suddenly announced he will join the Marine Corps at the peak of his popularity.
Kim Tae Pyung gradually adapted himself to the Marine Corps while rolling in mud not under the spotlight like before he is called up for military service. He has been reborn as the Marine from the top star after five weeks of training. He as the Marine felt so much ardor when he got his red name tag which indicates he is the Marine.
Hyun Bin gave his thought “I overcame everything somehow though there are so many challenges to me for five weeks. Now I got a confidence. I feel like I can do anything and any challenges.”
720 of 1137th Marines will be deployed in the other units such as Yeon Pyung island or Baek Ryung island. They will defend S. Korea with performing their
difficult and hard tasks.
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