Reposted by hyunniespexers

U:ZOOSIN Kim Hyun Joong, who haven’t visited us for 2 years, finally landed Taiwan again. During the 4D3N schedule, he was in the Hi5 Touch Event with fans in the downpour, and answered truthfully people’s questions to U:ZOOSIN in the press conference, also did the drawing for the personality tests to share his inner world and humor of 4D. The fansigning event held by the Korean cosmetics he endorses for attracted numerous fans, of which he saw Taiwanese fans’ love and passion to him in person. Trendy was witness to U:ZOOSIN’s charming out of sincerity all the way, and expects sincerely with everyone for KHJ’s next visit for his Asia Tour coming soon.
The fanmeeting along with downpour, lightning and thundering.
Date: 2011/8/14
Location: Taipei Hankyu Department Square
Event: 2011 HIGH FIVE TOUCH Taipei Fanmeeting
The first public schedule after he alighted from the plane was to meet every GreenPea Princess in “2011 HIGH FIVE TOUCH Fanmeeting”. Although it started officially at 3pm, fans still gathered at Dream Square in the early morning for the good spot to watch long-time-no-see KHJ. Before the event was started, it was packed with the crowds everywhere. In addition to many creative fan boards, we saw the printed cards being green in color surrounding all over the place. Everyone obeyed the rules for safety, no one was in uproar, believing that it’s because people had nothing in mind except watching KHJ.
We didn’t expect that the sky eventually couldn’t hold back the rain drops, 20 minutes before KHJ arrived, it rained cats and dogs. In the fanmeeting, when Ken just appeared on the stage looking at the downpour, couldn’t help but say, ” That’s the way it is…Because he’s U:ZOOSIN! ” of which people all had approval smiles. And then KHJ appeared on the stage, it’s like he didn’t want to let people wait too long, so he ran towards the stage fast. The vest with the plaid shirt made KHJ look very energetic, and the short blond hair being rare on him looked very refreshing. Right after he finished the speech, ” Hello everyone, I am Kim Hyun Joong. (in Chinese)”, it rumbled right away, of which it increased U:ZOOSIN’s force inadvertently. The following was to talk about his future work plan, but whenever he opened his mouth, it rumbled. KHJ also burst into laughing. He repeatedly said that, everyone was drenched by the rain and would feel uncomfortable for sure, truly very grateful for everyone being here in the event to support. KHJ who always has affection for his fans made the Hi5ing upgrade to handshaking. Just saw him who extended his hand initially with smile to all the lucky fans who won the lucky draw, and had the eye contacts with them. Believing that they would feel that all the waiting was worthwhile at the moment.
KHJ’s elegant manners and charming sweeping across in the press conference
Date: 2011/8/15
Location: Taipei Far East Plaza Hotel
Event: KHJ in Taiwan The Great Chinese Region Press Conference
The second day after landing Taiwan, KHJ carried on the press conference in Taipei Far East Plaza Hotel. Dressing in the black suit with open-collard shirt, which made the thin figure look extremely slender and handsome, and also staider comparing to the previous visits.
In the press conference, despite the session for fans to ask questions, KHJ also talked about many inner thoughts, of which it was very precious. Moreover, through drawing for the personality tests, people could get to peek his inner world.
U:ZOOSIN, I Got A Question!
In the press conference, Warner Music prepared the fans’ I-GOT-A-QUESTION videos, and let the sassy questions from fans have the chance to be seen and heard by KHJ. In order to catch U:ZOOSIN’s attention, fans put their best foot forward in the videos! The fan cosplaying a ghost asked KHJ if there were scary preternatural events happening during the album recording or MV shooting. Beyond the expectation, KHJ revealed that he has sensitive body physique, so he has ever felt the existence of that kind of things before. However, he said he didn’t run across any over the album production and MV shooting. And comparing to ghosts, the difficult choreography he has danced for hundred times was even scarier. After the MV shooting was finished, himself and dancers all got sick. However, because of this, he didn’t get nervous performing on stage anymore. KHJ’s speech of ” MV shooting was scarier than ghosts” made people on the scene couldn’t stop laughing in the press conference.
Predicting and analyzing U:ZOOSIN
Ken kept asking him, and KHJ revealed the feeling for visiting Taiwan this time, ” Really appreciate that people don’t forget me and welcome me passionately!” Also he said that he doesn’t mind being called 4D, and the reason he named himself U:ZOOSIN is because he hopes everyone can be very blessed, including the entire universe could be blessed! In the press conference, he revealed that yesterday he was served Shanghi cuisine, and every dish was delicious, so he ate up all. But he still concerned with Xiao Long Bao, and said with smile that he could have that at night, felt very happy.
The following was that Ken requested KHJ to do the drawing, including houses, ducks, fences, trees, the sun, the moon, rocks, roads, and mountains on the paper. Through the drawing personality test to find out U:ZOOSIN’s inner world. Among which Ken laughed at the not-so-well-drawn duck, KHJ answered with no hesitation, “That’s the way Korean ducks look like,” which made people all burst into laughing. From the drawing, it could be interpreted that KHJ would be a good man who is in good relationship with his family and would take care of it. Moreover, he would see the other half on the same position as him and have no Chauvinism. And the tree would represent the number of friends, the host watched the few trees and then looked at KHJ. KHJ said because he drew many fruits on the trees, he would have many friends, of which it caused a sea of laughter. From the drawing, despite that his career could be interpreted to be as high as the sun, and it predicts that the kids would be another turning point for his career. Is it accurate or not on earth? Really curious.
U:ZOOSIN’s Inner World
The second drawing personality test also was answered in a sea of laughter. From the drawing, it could be interpreted that KHJ would be considered someone often with smile by his family, and KHJ also nodded with saying he thought so as well. The blank which represented the future spouse was drawn with a candy, so the host Ken said she would be a sweet person. The blank for the future direction was drawn with an arrow pointing upward, so everyone all agreed that his career would still keep soaring up to the sky in the future. However, the blank representing for what kind of person KHJ would be in other people’s eyes was drawn with the no smoking sign, of which the host couldn’t help but ask if he was a serious person. KHJ said he’s a little bit serious, but definitely not strict. The blank for the truest self was drawn with a clock, KHJ said seriously, “Yes, can’t stop working, no time for the rest.” The blank for the current state was drawn with picked yellow radish, KHJ explained, ” Picked yellow radish is the required side dish for Zha Jiang Mein in Korea, of which it means sacrificing oneself to achieve a greater goal.”, of which it earned applause for this cute U:ZOOSIN.
In the end of the press conference, KHJ wore a sincere smile and said that he felt sorry for no performances on stage during this visit, and hoped to dedicate the best performance to everyone in the concert. To add on, he also mentioned his affection to fans for the raining and thundering yesterday and his appreciations to them. Moreover, he said he would work hard on preparing for the new album, and thanked for everyone’s support and love.
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