I thought getting married is very easy. But watching this series seems very difficult. Problems keep popping up and the couple, Hye Yoon and Jung Hoon are always fighting. Both mother's of the couple keeps bickering and they frustrate the couple. The issue now is where the wedding should take place. Church or inside a Hotel. Hye Yoon can't say what she truly feels in front of Jung Hoon's mom. So Jung Hoon is in the middle again, placating both side, his mom and Hye Yoon.
While after venting her anger inside Yuri's apartment with a baseball bat, Hye Jin met her again and told Yuri to stop meeting Do Hyun. It's funny how civil they can be. How the wife can talk to her husband's mistress. I guess if you really want to show the other woman what a wife is really made of, it should be this way, full of confidence. I'm still not sure where Hye Jin will do next. She see's a lawyer, ask for advise and she has to prove Do Hyun having a mistress. She will make Do Hyun pay a lot for making her miserable. But then, she loves him. I'm intrigue on what will happen to them.
Dong Bi confronts Ki Joong after learning of his engagement. She told him she can't let him go, but seems that Ki Joong is not affected. His marriage is nothing but a business arrangement between his and Chae Young's family. His true feelings, I am not sure. A few days later, Dong Bi met Chae Young while doing photo shoots for her work. Chae Young was fitting for a wedding gowns and then Ki Joong arrived. It was a situation I would not ever think about happening to me in real. But Dong Bi showed her professional side and stayed silent. When Chae Young asked her to be the photographer on her wedding, Dong Bi declined.
Of course, the ahjumma-ahjussi love story continues to made me laugh. Minho and Deul Rae keeps seeing each other despite their constant insults and bickering like children to each other. I like the chemistry. For all the problems surrounding the characters of the series, these two lighten up the drama. And I am really looking how their story will develop.
For now this is my review for episode 5.

Of course, the ahjumma-ahjussi love story continues to made me laugh. Minho and Deul Rae keeps seeing each other despite their constant insults and bickering like children to each other. I like the chemistry. For all the problems surrounding the characters of the series, these two lighten up the drama. And I am really looking how their story will develop.
For now this is my review for episode 5.

i'm following your reviewed ...thanks so much. more power !!! hyunmin forever ^^^