This is mslee1107 sharing my posts @ChunHye thread/ This is my own POV. For shippers only who like me, wants to believe or already believing that "Something Magical Happened Between My OTP!" :))
Simple analysis of a person who is attracted to another person within his/her sight. I like to state what I know personally, because, I did experience these symptoms when I am attracted to another person. Didn't we all?:))
1st stage of attraction...
1. can't keep eyes off on each other
2. undivided attention
3. trying to look oh-so-casual, yet mind is zeroing on that person, in front, behind or beside
4. animated face
5. smiling
6. a bit of sweating here and there
I believe that above observations describes a person attracted to another person. Can also say that it could progress into a deeper feeling. In which afterward could lead to a formal relationship.
My opinion only [can be opposed]
I saw these "symptoms" that's why I believe on ChunHye. But even though I am convinced, I know that it takes a lot to handle a relationship. It does not mean that when you enter in a relationship, it's a sure guarantee that all will be fine and what you hoped for in the beginning will be the outcome in the end.
That's why, I will just enjoy what I think I believe for now, I may be wrong in the end, but at least, I came on this ship with an open mind. A lot of shippers are excited and having fun everyday because all are either UNSURE/skeptical even hesitant [to say it's true] but the mystery behind CHUNHYE is just beckoning shippers to uncover more.
Both are mature and if I may say so, at least, ready to settle down. If they are not entertainers, it will be okay anytime. But because both are, there will be considerations. If, and I repeat, [for shippers only] If they do decide to be in a relationship now, I think it will be a serious one, and they will work hard for it. I just hope FATE will be good to them.
Yoon Eun Hye Commended at MBC Drama Awards
Actress Yoon Eun Hye was recently commended with an award at the 2012 MBC Drama Awards.
On December 31, Yoon tweeted, “I was so distracted that I couldn’t express my gratitude to everyone. Director Lee Jae Dong, staff members of Missing You, writer Moon Hee Jung, Song Ok Sook, and other actors, and Jung Woo, who is working hard overnight, andHarry, who looks great without any lights.”
“And people from The House, who always take good care of me in God, thank you so much and I’m sorry. I feel so relieved with you and I love you.”
“Thank you Kang Soo Jung for doing my hair for nine years. You are more than my sister, you know that, right? Kang Yi Seul, Min Jin, and Byeong Hee, thank you for working hard to make me pretty. Hwa Hyun and Min Jung, who are here with me, thank you so much and you look so great.”
“I also want to thank the audience and reporters who supported me by writing good articles. Thank God for letting me do everything. I will become a better actress and will continue to work hard.”
Yoon received two awards at the 2012 MBC Drama Awards which was held on December 30 in Seoul.
Cr: dkrogers | TV Report
On December 31, Yoon tweeted, “I was so distracted that I couldn’t express my gratitude to everyone. Director Lee Jae Dong, staff members of Missing You, writer Moon Hee Jung, Song Ok Sook, and other actors, and Jung Woo, who is working hard overnight, andHarry, who looks great without any lights.”
“And people from The House, who always take good care of me in God, thank you so much and I’m sorry. I feel so relieved with you and I love you.”
“Thank you Kang Soo Jung for doing my hair for nine years. You are more than my sister, you know that, right? Kang Yi Seul, Min Jin, and Byeong Hee, thank you for working hard to make me pretty. Hwa Hyun and Min Jung, who are here with me, thank you so much and you look so great.”
“I also want to thank the audience and reporters who supported me by writing good articles. Thank God for letting me do everything. I will become a better actress and will continue to work hard.”
Yoon received two awards at the 2012 MBC Drama Awards which was held on December 30 in Seoul.
Cr: dkrogers | TV Report
[the only words that captured my attention were "so distracted" and mentioning Jung Woo not YC, although she also said Harry not YSH.]
Okay, why was YEH so distracted? During that night? During MBC AWARDS Night 2012? Was there something or someone that was making her mind run elsewhere? Hmmm...again, I am also distracted! lol! We all watched MBC awards that night. There are many fancams, videos and a fact that those don't lie. What we see, is what we get. Did we see something or someone distracting? Oh yes! The mere presence of each other, seating side by side, sneaking glances, smiles, laughing eyes and sweating to mention a few. And YEH mentioned Jung Woo, not PYC. Although, perhaps she was so into her character, Jung Woo came naturally to her lips because of filming.

"Director Jo Sang Chul of The House Company said on January 17, "It won′t be easy for her to say goodbye because she was so attached to [the drama] and it has been shown so much love. She was able to learn more and mature as an actor through I Miss You. Ms. Yun Eun Hye is also happy that she felt so herself."
They really do look good together!


[TRANS] Ray Magazine April 2010: Welcome To
Yoochun's Room
reposted from
I've had love at first sight twice. Once I like someone, I'm a committed guy. My date outfits are usually casual. I like being natural.
Yoochun says once he likes someone, he's a committed guy. 'Once I dated this girl who I approached so many times and I dater her for years. I've forgotten how relationships like that feels now' (laughs)
While joking around and talking like a little boy, once he stands in front of the camera, his expression becomes like an adult. His image when he debuted which was cute seems to have changed. 'When you listen to the best album, I can feel that time has past. I want everyone to remember those times when listening to it'
Yoochun's Data
DOB: 1986/06/04
Blood Type: O
Height: 180 cm
Habit you can't fix: I seem to not have much interest in my cellphone and I tend to forget it
Gestures you like for a woman: When she's cooking with no makeup on
What you were afraid of as a child: Bike! I've been in an accident so . . .
What guys need: Motivation towards the future
What girls need: Calmness
What you do when you can't sleep: I think about the future
What you want to do the day before the earth ends: Eat with my family
Yoochun can naturally pull off a classic vest and a hat. We thought he would usually wear
Yoochun says once he likes someone, he's a committed guy. 'Once I dated this girl who I approached so many times and I dater her for years. I've forgotten how relationships like that feels now' (laughs)
While joking around and talking like a little boy, once he stands in front of the camera, his expression becomes like an adult. His image when he debuted which was cute seems to have changed. 'When you listen to the best album, I can feel that time has past. I want everyone to remember those times when listening to it'
Yoochun's Data
DOB: 1986/06/04
Blood Type: O
Height: 180 cm
Habit you can't fix: I seem to not have much interest in my cellphone and I tend to forget it
Gestures you like for a woman: When she's cooking with no makeup on
What you were afraid of as a child: Bike! I've been in an accident so . . .
What guys need: Motivation towards the future
What girls need: Calmness
What you do when you can't sleep: I think about the future
What you want to do the day before the earth ends: Eat with my family
Yoochun can naturally pull off a classic vest and a hat. We thought he would usually wear
clothes like this but 'I wear casual clothes all the time!' is what he said. 'In fall/winter I
wear mouton boots (sheepskin boots) and in spring/summer I wear flip-flops. But
sometimes I want to look cool so even though I don't have an appointment with anyone, I
wear suit and drink coffee alone. Also I have 2 dogs do I take them on a walk in the park
in my suits. One of my dogs, when it stands up its about 170cm tall so it's a hassle (laughs)
These days I like shoes that match suits so I'm going to buy the shoes I wore today in the
photo shoot!'
Do you wear formal shoes like this to a special date?
Do you wear formal shoes like this to a special date?
Sometimes it's good but on a date I like someting more casual. When I date a girl I want to
travel alot and make lots of memories. So I want my girlfriend to wear something like a
denim jeans with a black sweater with a colour stole. Something simple like that yet
feminine. I want the girl I date to not show so much skin (laughs)
Source: Ray Magazine
Source: Ray Magazine
Shared by: dbsknights@blogspot
Hope he has not yet changed his preference, though...

1.He likes to travel a lot with the girl to make more memories. - [my thoughts] oh..that's why both are always MIA! Travelling perhaps?
2. Likes to see her girlfriend in a denim jeans, black sweater, color stole - [ thoughts]
Could this be considered denim jeans [black], or maybe not. hehe. Though not black sweater but definitely something black, her upper outfit and yellow (stole/coat)

3. Not show so much skin - hmmm...
Can I imagine that YEH somehow fits the description perfectly recently?
my mind keeps on wondering... something keeps tickling my mind.:)) Pls. let me be okay?

YEH wearing something in "denim"... not jeans though. Her last 2 photo update on FB. Most recent and after IMY.

Recent photos of YEH which are few were from sightings at Rouge and Lounge events /store.

YEH interview in Seoul Western restaurant, Gangnam, Seoul

Well I'd say she was pretty covered here from recent pics, not exposing too much skin, or rather not at all!
The Ring...

Hunan Lantern Festival Rehearsal

The pinky ring was still very much visible.
cre:as tagged
Where did you hide it now YC?
Still the same outfit...[txting EH perhaps?] Same outfit. I can't see clearly your pinky, the camera man was so good lately at taking photos, he had been avoiding exposure of your left pinky!
I see she wore a pinky ring during her post IMY interview. I remember these photos were taken during that time. No other rings on her fingers, left fingers.

But this one was worn on her right pinky...? Trying to confuse me?

it's because there's no news and sightings of our OTP, besides YC photo update via LINE that's why mslee is ...
Currently obsessing over pinky rings...
but still not getting any closer to unfolding the mystery.
oh, sometimes I want to scratch my head! Chincha!
Pinky ring on, pinky ring off...

Come On YC...where did you hide it? Don't tease me...!!!
YC has "bogoshipda" written on brick wall of LSY house as his DP.
For now, I will just continue to ship this couple. Will still read between the lines. Will still see beyond what I see. Maybe, maybe...I will uncover the mystery.
this is mslee1107 writing...
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