A summary of two episodes. Trying to catch up and update!:)
The drama ended in episode 1 in a scene where Deul Ja, Hye Yoon's omma was staring at a big house, Jung Hoon's home. She then realized his future son-in-law comes from an affluent and rich family.

episode 2

She was a cunning mother, who only wants what's good for Hye Yoon. I don't blame her if she wants her daughter to be married to a well off guy who would support her needs. But what's irritating is her continuous interference to the couple even though she already met Jung Hoon and found out he was a man of good manners and came from a good family.

But that was soon changed. Hye Yoon met with Jung Hoon's parents and felt their warm welcome. She was happy meeting them. I know she does not care if the parents gave their wealth after retirement to society but when her omma found out, she immediately wants to talk to Jung Hoon. Hye Yoon knows how embarrassing it would be so she tried to stop her mother. But Deul Ja's character won't settle for anything less so she still phoned Jung Hoon and of course, he met up with her. But Deul ja has her own way of charming people if she wanted to. She did not asked rudely about the matter concerning his parents wealth, but before she could, Hye Yoon appeared at the store and realized what her mother was up to. Dragging Jung Hoon outside they had a confrontation. She was very upset. She was feeling so low and embarrased inside she could not say what's eating her. She made Jung Hoon kneel for forgiveness, and because he loves her and pampered her and cater to all her wishes, he did so even though they were outside on the street. But then she castigated him for kneeling. Jung Hoon left her.
On the other side, Ki Jung and Dong Bi decided to reconcile but as a friend, to Dong Bi's dismay. She could not stay away from Ki Jung she loves him so much she even got hospitalized. I understand her. She would settle for anything to be with him.

Hye Jin, Hye Yoon's unnie was met up by Do Hyun's mistress. She was a very strong woman who is not afraid of the wife. She even told Hye Jin to break up with her husband. She was so confident it rattled Hye Jin deep inside. But Hye Jin is not the type to just crumble in front of a mistress, so she splashed water on her face twice for her rudeness and her gall to say she could be pregnant if she wanted to. Now that's some character! Hye Jin realized she should at least stand up for her position even if only to this woman who is challenging her for Do Hyun's love.
I pity her marriage which turned out to be a sham right after he married her. He was very pissed off perhaps with her controlling mother.
Hye Jin was so rattled after that confrontation her mind was elsewhere she almost run down a man crossing the pedestrians.
The couple that made me smile always are Deul Rae and Minho who both have a penchant for bikes. Even though Deul Rae is older, he kept on teasing her which annoyed her much but deep inside, she liked to exchanged cutting remarks from him. Oh..I know this two will hit it off right from the moment they met each other. Interesting!

Then Deul Ja decided to meet with Jung Hoon's family. Hye Yoon and Jung Hoo had a talk after their misunderstanding She hugged him and says "Mianhe." Jung Hoon's omma bought an expensive purse for Hye Yoon even though Jung Hoon told her it's not like Hye Yoon to appreciate such things. But she said she was soon going to be a part of the family, so she will soon adapt.

episode 3
Meeting the bride's family turned out be a not so good idea.
Hye Yoon was invited by Jung Hoon's omma to the house and she was gifted by very expensive and beautiful purse. An additional pair of boots was also added as a gift. She realized how rich the family when she entered a walk in closet full of expensive stuffs.
Hye Jin's marriage is still suffering. She hid her feelings inside but Do Hyun noticed her changing mood from an obedient and passive wife to one who acts careless all of a sudden. She turned the kitchen in chaos, and not clean the mess, instead she went inside the bathroom and threw her energy on cleaning the tub to Do Hyun's puzzled mind. She was suffering and hurting. Yuri, the mistress kept on bugging her, sending photos via mobile and adding malicious messages to irritate her more. And she succeeded. Finally, Hye Jin crumbled and cried in front of Do Hyun. She asked him to break up with Yuri. She told him to be present on the family meeting.
Ki Jung met Han Chae Young on a blind date, instigated by their parents. She came from a wealthy family too and making her his wife will be an asset to him.
The family meeting...
The couple arrived early at the restaurant with Dong Bi as the assigned photographer. She took pictures of the couple. Then Jung Hoon's parents arrive earlier to Hye Yoon's family to Jung Hoon's omma's dismay. Punctuality is a must. A trait that should be given weight especially on a time like this.
The family arrived late. The expectation became non existent. Both mother's were not hitting it off in a friendlier manner. Deul Ja of course will always be the frank mother and this trait is not something to look over by Jung Hoon's omma. She felt offended. As expected the meeting was a disaster. Jung Hoon was so uncomfortable the whole time.
Hye Jin finds the courage to demand divorce from her husband. She was fed up. But I am not sure if she did this to make him realize something.

Next thing Do Hyun is breaking up with Yuri.

Meanwhile... my favorite couple who makes me grin...

Little by little their charms are making them closer. Kyopta!

After the family meeting, Jung Hoon was so disappointed by turn out, he saw her mother crying. He decided to stay away from Hye Yoon. He realized he was not good enough for her, if Deul Ja's standard was to be followed. He was a mere salary man, the exact words described by Deul Ja in fornt of his family. He felt incapable.

Poor Hye Yoon. She could not reason with Jung Hoon because she knew what he said was true. Her mother was so frank she hurt him and his parents.

Jung Hoon was always drunk his mother was bothered and finally he told her they broke up already. She met with Hye Yoon.

Dong Bi trying to make Jung Hoon stop drinking.

A new character is introduced. A lawyer who Hye Yoon knew before.
Jun Sang Jin

They went to meet with Dong Bi. But the place was very familiar to Hye Yoon it brought back memories.

She left.
Father and son talked.

He was a very wise man with an open mind.

Well...what will you do Jung Hoon?
Episode 4 next time. Mianhe. I really try to update as soon as possible. making screencaps along the way is troublesome, chongmal!
for more of screencaps pls visit my facebook page.
mslee1107 writing her thoughts :))
nice screencaps mslee of can we get married... now i do understand the stories i've been watched... ... 'cause i watched it without eng. sub. thanks ! hyunmin forever...