Hello, Kim Hyun Joong, this is the first time you have come to Vietnam. There are so many, many fans of yours in Vietnam, especially young girls. Do you know about that?
KHJ - I arrive in Vietnam on 10/8 evening and really surprised when seeing lots of fans waiting for me at the airport, major of which are young people. Howeverm for the security reason, I had to use VIP gate, couldm't wave at them so they might have thought I'm a bit cold, I truly feel sorry and want to send my apoligy to them. Becausr of their enthusiasm, when turning back to Korea, i will consider holding a concert in Vietnam.
* At present, you are very famous over the whole Asia. Have money and fame changed anything in your life? Have you ever wished you hadn’t been famous?
KHJ - I think, for a singer or an actor, fame is the measure of success. I have to be famous to be considered doing good my job.... But it also makes me tired, and sometimes makes me want to quit. However, on the second thoughts, I think I best suit for this job, I have worked hard and I will have to work harder.
KHJ - As everyone knows, Korean showbiz includes movies, television, music... It is huge and influential in other countries. Professional work environment is good for artists. But the severity and high level of elimination are quite hard for us. For a singer/actor like me, besides practicing, acting, performing, I just want to sleep. Every week, I only have about 24 hours in all to sleep. But to maintain the Hallyu wave in Asia, I will have to practice more on my singing, dancing as well as my acting.
*After Boys over Flowers, you have become the dream prince to many young girls over Asia with your long hair and sad eyes, But in "Break Down", which is just released, you have shown a totally different image: strong, masculine, experienced. Why did you change your image?
KHJ - My previous image in BOF was a little bit feminine, because that character was a rich boy, quite introverted and unhappy. But that drama ended 3 years ago. Now I want to portray the image of a grown man through new dramas, new albums. Because 3 years has gone by, I'm 3 years older and of course, many things have changed.
In 3-day schedule in VN, besides being the representative for TFS, Kim Hyun Joong will attend a fansign for 3000 fans in Ho Chi Minh City. At this fansign, 3 standees of KHJ will be auctioned for project Children Smile to cover the surgical cost for children with facial deformities including cleft lips and palates in Vietnam. KHJ will depart from HCMC on 12/8 evening.
At the press conference at HCMC on 12/8 morning, answering a question related to his song Please getting banned by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, he said that he was sorry and that this song was for adults and its getting banned maybe because of the different point of view.
Credits: http://tuoitre.vn/ + News@TripleSVN.com (English translation)
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